Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ok, Nostalgia over

I had a bad day today. I only rode 40 miles yesterday since I started so late, and because I only slept a little the night before working. As a result, I was short on water today, had a horrible head wind, and then got a leak from a tear on my tube's valve. I tried fixing it with my spare used tube, but the valve head on that tube ripped off because of my stupid pump. So I improvised a patch for the original tube's valve, which didn't work well (as expected, valve tears are the end of a tube). I had to repump the tire every few miles... There are no bike shops anywhere in Nevada. Let alone on the loneliest highway in America (which is a gimmick, this is the busiest lonely highway I've been on). Hardware stores don't have my tube size. I haven't seen a bike store since Nebraska. Luckily I found some tire slime stuff at a hardware store, so maybe that will work. Otherwise I'll have to ride and pump every few miles for the next 200 when I hit Carson. I was nostalgic about being done, but now I actually want to be done -_-. But in other news that makes my day, for those of you that have heard about Ivan, it seems that he will be released on Monday! I am so extremely happy about that. I shed a tear here sitting in the parking lot when I saw the news on Facebook. Ivan will finally have the ability to live a normal life as a documented citizen if all works out. I can't believe that.

I think I'll try to either bike the majority of the 70 miles to Austin right now, or camp out and start riding at midnight. It says online that the 25 mile an hour winds with 50 mile an hour gusts that I have been facing today will die down to 10 miles per hour after midnight...

And I ride on:/

(Eureka, NV)

Edit: I just found out the slime is only made to fit Schraeder valves, not Presta. Siiigh...

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