Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I dip my hat

Lyubomir and I in Portland!

So Lyubomir and I just arrived to the hostel in Seattle, and tonight is the last night of my many trips. Tomorrow I'll be flying back to Chicago for a few days before returning to Detroit to spend a little time reconnecting with family. It's funny, a few years back my wanderlust made me want to explore different countries around the world. I did that a bit, and then I found myself wanting to see the US, which I wouldn't have guessed before. And now, I'm looking forward to returning home to get in touch with my family and to get to know them better. A kind of slow introgression.

Anyways, I'll be posting photos from San Francisco, Portland, and (maybe) Seattle tomorrow when I'm at the airport. However, I want to post one photo at the moment-

During one of our days in San Francisco, Lyu and I went to the ocean. After roaming around for a bit, following gaggles of funny birds, I stopped to look at the ocean, and I realized, this is it, I found my moment of closure. Suddenly a sensation of pride, reckoning, and euphoria came over me, and I walked into the water, dipped my hat in, and threw it over my head, letting the salty water run down my face. I was no longer a part of the scene, rather the scene was now a part of my moment and me. My trip was complete.

The other end of the continent.