Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bike Fixed, Recharging, Work Day

Last night I stayed up until 4 in the morning watching Dave and Cody surviving in 3 episodes of environments, downloaded Bear Grylls for the first time to top things off, and chatted it up on Facebook. This morning I decided to take the day off, get my bike sorted out, and do some work.

I found the hallowed bike shop I've been anticipating, and I enjoyed the find. It's run by a great guy named Dan, who, in my opinion, sounds like he's carrying Carson City's biking spirit. Entering bike shops is like entering safe-zones for me now. I hung around chatting with the owner about the biking in the area, chopped-off fingers in chain rings, and the economy in Reno and Carson City. Dan, if you're reading this, I got the simple, but much-needed tube in and I'm ready to roll with my morale high in that new Sugino Cap and with the momento spoke card, haha. It was a pleasure to meet you, and a highlight of the trip. After the bike shop, I stopped at one of the city's many thrift shops and got some new pants, since my favorite pair was torn up by now (I had one fall on this trip, when my shoe lace wrapped around my crankarm and caused me to fall over onto the gravel road- luckily no cars around).

I'm at the public library right now, about to snack on the last of the snack bars I got from the Motel continental breakfast, and do some work. Tomorrow, rested, I'll head over the mountains into California for the last leg of the trip.

I've figured out a place to stay, my Amtrak tickets to Portland and Seattle are purchased, as well as my return flight home- So I'll be around the coast and home soon! Hopefully more joy rides await;)


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