Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pop is like wine.

Doing something challenging that deprives you of a lot of comforts makes you enjoy the small things. The contrast meter in life adjusts, and the picture becomes more vivid. I was having a gchat conversation with a friend the other day, and I guess what I said to her sums it up:

"Overall i've been enjoying the trip. I have had some really great rides in the mornings that have been beautiful. The majority of the time is either tiring/stressful/uncomfortable during the rides [-read, Iowa's hills suck], but I have patience for that, and knowing the elation I'll feel at the end is worth it. (also elation is one of those things that I feel a lot more these days- getting to the park earlier than you thought after a gruelling day, etc)
12:45 PM and as always, things like this that bring out contrasts in life make you enjoy the small things more, which I appreciate at the moment as a kind of post-graduation recalibration before I get back to the city, start looking for work, etc"

So in light of that, I'd like to tell you about pop. The other day I was craving pop a lot. So in getting to the park, I got a nice cold Pibb Xtra out of a vending machine. Drinking it was amazing, so I remembered what I would write here:

Setting aside all health concerns about pop and judging it in and of itself, pop is an amazing drink. Pop might even rival wine. Yes, blasphemous, isn't it? Pop is cold, and on a hot day, it's like a block of ice waiting to be ingested. The bubbles pinch at your tongue, it's sweet, has sour notes, and depending on the drink (root beer in this case), hints of vanilla, oak, coffee, burnt sugar. It smells sweet (the pop bottle hides how good it smells!).

I was at a wine tasting class once, and the sommelier, who basically goes around tasting wines, advising restaurants, and having/throwing dinners told us a story. She said she was having dinner with wealthy Japanese businessmen once. In order to show off, these men ordered a $20,000 (?) bottle of wine. Since this was such a special wine, the servers paraded it around the restaurant showing it to all of the other patrons before taking it to the businessmens' table. The wine was poured and ready to be tried- then the Japanese businessmen took Coke and mixed it in with the wine. The wine taster said she was shocked.

Well...maybe they weren't so crazy after all?

Anyways, that's my diatribe. Pop shines with a new light on this trip and so do a lot of other things. Coming home is going to be nice. I'm going to be like a kid in a candy store with everything.

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