Sunday, August 8, 2010


I'm in Wyoming! (Wheatland, Wyoming). I'm taking the day off and sitting outside of a closed library using the wifi. I haven't had a chance to update because cities with libraries are harder to come by, and I've had some busy rides. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to tease you and not write a long post because I don't have time right now (work calls), but to refresh my memory and to tease you, I'll post what I need to write about:

-changed my chain ring, like melted butter
-the fox, goose, and a bag of beans puzzle (oliver recreation area, and signs.)
-Woman from Illinois living in Albin, Wy- great milkshake
-the men talking at Ricochet Cafe about why Republicanism is better
-Sturgis music festival, the bikers going there, and their making fun of me, and my shutting them down
-The guy that gave me water at the campground that had no water. Hail the size of baseballs.
-Marv Billings the biker I ran into that gave me a shortcut over the bluffs and caught up with me in his car with watermelon (!!)
-crossing through rattle snake haven
-changes in body and mind
-maybe also going to portland and seattle

Alright, I'll update soon (p.s. I'm crossing the first part of the rockies in wyoming tomorrow. hot springs?;) thanks to Marv)


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